Our Eco Committee
Eco Team 2023-2024
At the start of term, pupils in years 1-6 were invited to put themselves forward to represent their classes as Eco Warriors on the Eco Committee. Children voted in their classes and our new Eco Team was born, headed by Mrs Holt.
The team were going to meet every few weeks, but due to the overwhelming enthusiasm of the committee members, meetings now take place on a weekly basis.
The team quickly decided to aim high and to begin working towards the prestigious Eco Schools Green Flag Award. Further information about this award can be found here: https://www.eco-schools.org.uk/about/what-is-eco-schools/
We were delighted to find out over the summer that we were successful in our eco actions and have been awarded the Eco Schools Green Flag!
Eco-Schools Action Plan
The Eco Committee have developed their action plan, taking on the views of their peers and sharing outcomes from their initial survey. The Eco-Committee led an assembly to share what our key areas of focus are going to be.
Our Eco Code
Children were asked to contribute ideas and suggestions to help our eco-warriors to write our Eastbury Farm Eco Code. There were some very thoughtful statements and, after a lot of deliberation, the following Eco Code was devised.
A competition was run to put our Eco Code into an eye-catching poster to be displayed around our school. Congratulations to Jenaan for her winning design!